When is the 2025 Treehouse Festival?
Dates for the next Treehouse Festival are 17th of August to the 23rd of August 2025
What is the cost?
We will announce the price for 2025 tickets soon. In 2024 a full price ticket was £299.00 and £225.00 for 16-25 year olds. So that will give you a rough idea.
What if I need directions?
There is a detailed directions page
What do I need to bring?
There is a page with everything you need to bring. This also gets emailed out when you book in.
Are children welcome?
Yes, children and families are very welcome. In fact, there are forest school style workshops available for children of various ages which take place each morning.
Is It vegan-friendly?
Pretty much. All of our meals are vegetarian and plenty of them will be vegan too. Where it isn’t then there will be a vegan option.
Are pets allowed?
Maybe. If you want to bring a pet along then please email us to see if we can accommodate them.
How much do workshops and materials cost?
These are all included in the ticket price. You could spend an hour learning to thatch or spin wool, or you could get really into it and spend the whole week there. The choice is yours! There’ll be materials and equipment on sale at Root and Branch (our shop and resource centre) so that you can carry on your new found passion at home.
What if I want to relax for a bit and just read about traditional crafts and skills?
Then we have you covered. We have an extensive library of books all about crafts and skills which you can read during the week and even borrow after Treehouse is over (as long as you promise to return them). The library catalogue is here.
Are there any evening entertainments?
Yes there are. In 2024 we had a night-time walk exploring flora and fauna with ultra-violet lights; a quiz night; a band night and an open mic night. There’s a bar which serves local beers and other drinks in the evenings.
Do I have to do washing up/food prep etc.?
Yes, but you can choose what you do! The festival isn’t like other festivals. We are creating a community of people that are living, learning and creating together. Chopping vegetables or scrubbing pans is an important part of the experience and the bonding of the group. Believe us when we tell you that washing up is much more fun when you do it as part of a group.
Can I bring a caravan, campervan or similar?
Yes, that’s fine. We encourage interesting and magical caravans, if you have one. There isn’t any electricity or water hookup directly, though there are taps nearby.
Can I get a refund?
Refunds are only available if we have a waiting list and can reallocate the ticket, and if it’s up to 4 months before the event starts. You will incur a 10% fee if we are able to reallocate. For more info see the Terms and Conditions
Can I come for just the weekend?
To encourage the community to truly grow together over the week, we’ve decided that the weekend tickets weren’t the best way forwards. We want to create a crafting village filled with friends, and that takes time to nurture. If you want to visit rather than stay all week then drop us an email, we might be able to help!
Where can I find the boring legal stuff?
All terms and conditions, including policies, can be found here: Terms and Conditions. This is liable to grow as we add new policies. The T’s & C’s are the same as on the Ticket Booking.