Keep the campsite for snoozing! (Noise levels to a minimum, and keep reasonable hours)
This is a family festival; blatantly abusing drugs will result in getting a warning and if it happens a second time, having to leave the site (with or without your newly whittled spoon).
Is OK everywhere not undercover. Be safe – don’t smoke in the roundhouse or in the kitchen tent or near thatched buildings! Be considerate of others.
Spent straights and those little plastic tubes that filters come in are super annoying to pick up so please do Adam (The Litter Guy) a favour and put them in a black bin!
Speaking of Litter
Black bins are for landfill (we don’t want any of this if we can avoid it!) and green bins are for recycling (a bit better). If something is card or paper, put it in a red-topped bin, these are for burnable items and can be useful on the campfire or else recycled later, maybe even used for Art! Creating something useful from something wasteful is the dream – help us live it!
Please take single-use plastics home with you. litterers will be fed to the bees!
Volunteer Jobs
Everyone is part of a team, as a member of that team, you will work a couple of hours on a couple of days to chop the veg, clear the site and wash pans. We’ve found this is an invaluable part of the community and the event and honestly, you’ll love it! On booking tickets, everyone can choose what they do to help out – on arriving at the site please make sure you do the job you signed up to do. We will let you know where and when you’re needed and give you instructions both beforehand and during the event, but it’s your responsibility to make sure you get involved on the days you are allocated.
Please do not light fires or disposable BBQs in the camping field, there are designated campfires to keep you toasty and cook your marshmallows on, which are lovely!
Please drive safely and make sure to keep to below 5mph at all times as we have children on site. Vehicle access is permitted on campsite only when you are setting up or packing down. After setup, vehicles will need to be moved to the car park (unless you are sleeping in a camper-van/caravan etc).
Crafty Rules
Treehouse Festival is an amazing place to have a go, and hone your skills, we need to stay safe!
Some activities include risks and hazards, e.g. literally playing with fire, sharp objects or dangerous levels of enthusiasm. Please pay attention to the warnings and advice given as these are for your safety! For higher risk activities, your workshop leader may need you to sign stuff at the start.
The axes, knives and other tools are dangerous and can cause serious cuts. Some of the workshops use (extreme) heat. If used correctly the chance of accidental cuts, burns or other injury is minimised. Some of the workshops will cover safe tool use for those who haven’t experienced that craft before.
When you are working with tools on-site, you are responsible for your own safety.
Use safe knife cuts and axe handles.
Maintain a safe distance – be aware of others around you.
Don’t walk around with tools unsheathed/hot metal/glass/etc.
Store tools safely when not in use.
Always craft when fully alert and focused on the job.
Do not craft after any alcohol.
Take breaks often – walk around and stretch.
Like most festivals, we have to be careful with glass. The rest of the year Brandon House Farm is home to horses with soft and sensitive feet, which means that a broken bottle could cause a lot of harm. Unless you’ve got a water bottle that you will be keeping for the whole week, we would ask that you don’t bring anything made of glass that could get broken and end up in the grass where the horses will be grazing.
We really hate plastic – pretty much in all forms! Sometimes it’s necessary, but most of the time it’s not. We would LOVE to make the Treehouse Festival completely single-use plastic-free (Fun Fact: 2019 was the first time we pretty much achieved this). This does mean that if you have brought plastic bags or food wrappers with you, it is very important you take them away with you again, as disposing of them is a big challenge for the event.
Young People and Crafts
Children and young people are encouraged to participate in the main activities, though please remember these are designed for adults and this means that the tools may not be suitable. Children remain the responsibility of their parents/guardians at all times, and child participation is at the discretion of the workshop leader. In riskier activities, if young people are participating in a craft, their parents or guardian should not be using tools at the same time and should instead be giving full attention to supervision
And finally
This document is evolving and sometimes might change. By agreeing to it on booking you are also agreeing to its form at the time of the event starting. If you booked on really early, check back, but don’t worry, it won’t be anything very different to what is on here now.